In the case of State v. E.G., E.G. had been sending harassing phone calls to T.R., a former employee of his mother. T.R. was a 22 year old mother with an infant daughter. T.R. then received two text messages: one with a picture of an erect penis, the other with the message “Do u like Read More…
My Blog
Buyer Beware: Undercover Sex Stings
BUYER BEWARE: INCREASED UNDERCOVER SEX STINGS IN WASHINGTON STATE One hears about this all too often: an “interested party” sets up a meeting through social media, such as “Craigslist,” with another person indicating willingness to provide sexual services. Both are consenting adults. Or, even worse, the meeting is between a sex solicitor and an under-aged, albeit Read More…
Homeless Shelter May Be a Residence for Sex Offender Registration
Homeless Shelter May Be a Residence for Sex Offender Registration Benjamin Batson was convicted at trial of “failure to register as a sex offender” because he had not checked in with the sheriff’s office pursuant to RCW 9A.44.131(1)(d). He tried to “arrest judgment,” and was unsuccessful. Mr. Batson said there was insufficient evidence that he Read More…