Is prostitution still a crime in King County, WA? Yes. Prostitution is illegal, and is strictly defined as exchanging or agreeing to exchange a sex act for money or other item of value, like drugs. It is a simple misdemeanor, with a maximum possible punishment of 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. There is no mandatory minimum Read More…
My Blog
Police Chief Falsely Accused of Rape Reinstated
“He raped me, and he thinks he is going to get away with it because he is a police officer.” I have heard this “reverse bias” comment many times. A “good-ol-boy” network of protection helping rapists because they “wear a badge”. People often believe that law enforcement personnel are bullet-proof from criminal charges and can Read More…
No Lack of Consent Required – Rape in the Third Degree Laws Have Changed
Many people make the connection that rape or sexual assault is occurring when the victim is clearly expressing lack of consent. They are saying “no” to the sexual act. However, there are changes to the law that says no such lack of consent needs to be expressed. RCW 9A.44.060 formerly read as follows: A person Read More…