Child Rape Conviction Reversed: Defendant Gets to Ask Accuser About Immigration Status State v. Gildardo Bravo (Division 1 Published #85030-0-1)

The alleged victim, M.H., came from Mexico to California alone in 2011. She was picked up by the Defendant, Mr. Bravo, who she had never met. They travelled to Washington State, where they stayed with Mr. Bravo’s aunt, uncle and children. M.H. slept on a mattress with Mr. Bravo. She was 8 at the time. Read More…

Juror Not Removeable For Bias When She’s “On the fence” About Trial Evidence in Child Rape Case (State v. Nathan Smith)

Mr. Smith was convicted at jury trial of Rape of a Child in the First Degree. During jury selection, Mr. Smith’s counsel sought removal of a prospective juror, using a ‘for cause’ challenge, claiming that actual bias was present. The prospective juror indicated during voir dire she might be inclined to simply agree with other Read More…