Court Orders a Letter of Apology in Sexual Assault Case “K.H-H” was a 17 year old juvenile male charged with two counts of Assault 4 with Sexual Motivation. He forced himself on a female acquaintance, “C.R.”, who attended the same high school. There was a second incident involving a different girl. The court adjudicated K.H-H. Read More…
Author: Jan Olson
Extreme Example of Criminal Sexting Case
In the case of State v. E.G., E.G. had been sending harassing phone calls to T.R., a former employee of his mother. T.R. was a 22 year old mother with an infant daughter. T.R. then received two text messages: one with a picture of an erect penis, the other with the message “Do u like Read More…
Buyer Beware: Undercover Sex Stings
BUYER BEWARE: INCREASED UNDERCOVER SEX STINGS IN WASHINGTON STATE One hears about this all too often: an “interested party” sets up a meeting through social media, such as “Craigslist,” with another person indicating willingness to provide sexual services. Both are consenting adults. Or, even worse, the meeting is between a sex solicitor and an under-aged, albeit Read More…