When it comes to sex crimes, often evidence of the crime can be found “on” or “in” a suspect’s cell phone. In particular, crimes involving child pornography are often found on a cell phone. Police usually get tipped to child pornography by other police agencies, such as Interpol or U.S. Homeland Security. Usually when police Read More…
Author: Jan Olson
John School
John School – Court Ordered Intervention Program in Prostitution Cases For johns caught patronizing a prostitute, there is a slippery slope once busted. After being shamefully arrested, cuffed, jailed and hauled into court, there are standard terms if the john is convicted. There are few defenses to the allegations. The most common defense being “no clearly communicated offer and Read More…
What to Expect if Caught Patronizing a Prostitute
What a John Should Know: What to Expect if Caught Patronizing a Prostitute in Seattle Patronizing a prostitute is a very difficult crime to defend for pragmatic reasons. This offense is now called “sexual exploitation” in the City of Seattle. Unless there is a dispute over what was offered and accepted, there is no actual defense Read More…