Evidence Child Molestation on Cell Phone!! State v. Tyson Division II 58888-9-11 [Published]

Tommy Tyson was convicted of two counts of Child Molestation in the First Degree and one count of Possession of Depictions of Minors Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct. Mr. Tyson adopted multiple children, including 10-year-old boys ‘AT’ and ‘BT’. During an actual adoption celebration a CASA (‘Court Appointed Special Advocate’) social worker saw a photo Read More…

Child Rape Conviction Reversed: Defendant Gets to Ask Accuser About Immigration Status State v. Gildardo Bravo (Division 1 Published #85030-0-1)

The alleged victim, M.H., came from Mexico to California alone in 2011. She was picked up by the Defendant, Mr. Bravo, who she had never met. They travelled to Washington State, where they stayed with Mr. Bravo’s aunt, uncle and children. M.H. slept on a mattress with Mr. Bravo. She was 8 at the time. Read More…